Network Commitment
Noize Communications is committed to providing an optimal user experience, supporting lawful products, services, and applications that subscribers choose to access through their Noize Communications internet service. To achieve this, we employ reasonable network management practices, detailed below for transparency. These practices may be updated periodically. Use of Noize Communications services is governed by the terms and conditions available here, which are not altered by this policy.

Network Congestion
In the event that aggregate demand exceeds the network’s available capacity, causing congestion, Noize Communications ensures that bandwidth is allocated fairly among users, regardless of their online activities, applications, or services used. During periods of congestion, subscribers may experience reduced download and upload speeds or slower response times. However, access to lawful content, services, and applications will remain unaffected.

Service Offerings
Noize Communications offers a variety of internet service plans tailored to different budgets and usage needs. The advertised speeds represent the maximum expected performance, but actual speeds may vary due to factors such as:

  • The capabilities of the subscriber’s device.
  • The quality of the subscriber’s network connection.
  • External factors like severe weather or RF interference.
  • Network congestion or overall internet traffic.

All internet service plans are offered on a flat-fee basis, with no usage-based fees or data caps. Bandwidth is shared across all devices connected to the subscriber’s network.

Prohibited Activities: P2P Torrents and Illegal Content
Noize Communications strictly prohibits the sharing or downloading of illegal content, including through peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing services or torrents. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted movies, music, software, and other protected media without proper authorization. Engaging in such activities is a violation of our Terms of Service.

If illegal content sharing is detected and a valid warrant or court order is presented, Noize Communications will cooperate with law enforcement authorities by providing subscriber information as required by law. We encourage all subscribers to use the internet responsibly and within the bounds of legal content sharing.

Network Security
To maintain the integrity of its network, Noize Communications reserves the right to take necessary actions, including terminating or suspending service to subscribers who engage in activities that violate our Terms of Service. This includes actions that disrupt or threaten the network’s security, performance, or services.

Device Connection
Subscribers are free to connect any compatible device to their Noize Communications internet service. The performance experienced will depend on the capabilities and configuration of the devices used.

Securing Wi-Fi Networks
Noize Communications strongly discourages the use of “open” or unsecured Wi-Fi networks. We recommend using routers, firewalls, and strong Wi-Fi passwords to prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive data. Securing your network with encryption helps avoid poor service quality and prevents unwanted access.

Subscriber Responsibility
Subscribers are responsible for all activity conducted over their internet connection, including unlawful use by third parties. It is the subscriber’s responsibility to ensure their network is secure and compliant with Noize Communications’ Terms of Service.